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Baked Country Ham

Country Ham…For real eating try this.
We recommend the following methods for preparing your whole country ham for cooking:
1. Carefully clean the ham and remove any mold that may have formed by scrubbing with a stiff brush under warm tap water
2. Remove the hock and save for soup seasoning. This is not nexessary but your ham will fit into a cooking utensil easier.

Prepare the ham for cooking as stated above. Place the ham on a large piece of tin foil in a roasting pan. Add a quart of water. 1/2 cup wine vinegar, 2 cups brown sugar, close the foil over the ham and place cover on roaster. Bake in a slow oven at 325, approximately 20 minutes per tender. The ham should simmer, not boil. Allow the ham to cool in the roaster with the wrapping excess fat. Spread with your favorite ham topping and brown sufar and place in the oven at 400, until sugar is bubble and crust forms.

We strongly recommend the use of a meat thermometer.